(1918-1991) During a civil war that immediately ensued, the western powers (and Japan, with no loans but seeking territorial influence) sought to make an environment suitable for keeping their debt being serviced, but to no avail. The period up to 1929 saw, initially, a socialist theoretical abrogation of all foreign debt by decree and civil war until 1922, and then a period for restoring its wholly traumatized agriculture until 1929. 1922 saw the beginning of secret military cooperation with Germany which lasted until 1933. The Communist Party leadership went through changes and great policy discussions with no real set plans in place but with Stalin emerging in sole control by 1927. Then, in 1929, a plan was implemented called the socialization of agriculture, which started a domino-effect. Step 1 was the removal of a percentage of the people off the farms by force and replacing them with, in theory, western mechanization/greater labor efficiency, calling the remaining farms collectivized under State management. Step 2 was to move these freed-up farm bodies (and those from cities as well who were deemed monarchist, religious, intellectual, parasitic, malcontents, etc.) into places where natural resources needed to be harvested and/or where new cities and industrial facilities needed development. (*KEY*) The main leg-men of this policy were often the orphans who had survived WW-1 and The Civil War and who had been traumatized into accepting cruelty as normal. Stalin sought out this group as they were deemed reliable and they needed “security.” The cost of this labor and the raw materials involved is of course very low or nothing in this new command society. When Ukrainian farmers resisted this, their seed grain was taken away and several million died. (*KEY*) Between 1929-1939, Stalin undid a bureaucratic system that had been in place since the 1720’s; even that old system had its roots in the Mongolian system. (*KEY*) Everyone worked under fear of prescribed production-or-death under his sole command and under an ever-changing agenda. (*KEY*) This replaced the old system of bribery, connections, and talent being important in no particular order while working at a super-sloth-like pace. Death and replacement didn’t sit well for these generally kind and reserved people. So, lots of people died in various places under different circumstances while powerful command infrastructures evolved under Stalin’s exclusive control. Earlier, Stalin had been the Commissar of Nationalities and had come to realize the potential of moving the masses forcibly. The loss of theoretically expendable lives was cost effective but even today many STILL lament and mourn the great loss of life. Russia went back to collaborating with Germany again in 1939 via formal treaty. Hereafter immediately began mass exiling of different nationalities to keep feeding the labor camps. Baltic populations, Volga Germans, and Caucasians mainly were packed off and their homelands occupied by Russians who, along with all other nationalities, were conveniently referred to as Soviets. Stalin’s strategies softened a bit with the onset of World War 2 for morale purposes, but of course death intensified and increased at an even
greater rate. Food became a real problem. Foreign provisions (and fish from the world’s largest fresh-water lake, Baikal in Siberia---though it almost was fished out) helped. After ww-2 Stalin went right back to his old strategies and the population became even more weakened, obedient and resigned. After the war, Stalin claimed all of Eastern Europe and a portion of Germany as the beginning of a world socialist vision, as well as to compensate for Soviet lives and infrastructure lost. He kept portions of the army there and imported Russians. (*KEY*-*KEY*) This policy was made more effective troop/citizenry concentration-wise because the western powers, chiefly the U.S.A., denied him continued access to northern China (previously occupied by the Japanese and Soviet occupied IMMEDIATELY after May 1945) and the Persian Gulf region by threatening him with its then-exclusive A-Bomb. (*KEY*) Russians always respect force. Stalin did get to take all of Sakhalin Island and the Kurile Islands from the Japanese---the latter subject (southernmost Kuriles) is still a major stumbling block between Russia and Japan today. In Eastern Europe, Hungary (1956) and Czechoslovakia (1969) resisted against Soviet occupation/influence, albeit meekly. The USSR’s water-polo team even physically assaulted/bloodied Hungary’s team during the 1956 Olympic games in Melbourne. Long after Stalin’s death in 1953, many of his management disciples still use his personal interpretations of socialism very effectively in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. His greatest disciple, however, was Mao Tse Tung. Today, China, a completely agriculturally evolved country, most interestingly and very effectively employs the exact same techniques of slave labor and nationalistic minority dilution through forced intervention/blending. After WW-2 and continuing on through the 70’s, there was an emphasis on the lowest-cost-possible restoration and expansion of basic living conditions, electrification (hydroelectric dams and railroads, especially)/transport infrastructure, and the establishment of a military-industrial complex. The raw materials for all of these were free of charge and the same can almost be said for labor. This equates to the entire citizenry (except for party members) living the same way: equally low salaries and living standards. People accepted this as a necessary step to a brighter future as promised by Soviet Socialist wisdom. Unfortunately, they couldn’t know that money was continuing to pour out of their pockets/purses to pay for things like (domestically) the central Asian irrigation scheme and the BAM Railway (many 10’s of billions of dollars, USD, typical) and (internationally) spreading the word of command socialism world-wide, especially in Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Asias ( twice as many 10’s of billions of dollars, no one knows for sure) via free weapons export, etc. The period of 1963-1985 is often called a period of overall domestic stagnation as a result. As Soviet citizenry began to realize their increasing societal and economic ineffectiveness, there were more and more problematic discussions about donating labor without benefit. The increasingly open discussions about more and more issues got blown out on a monster scale by the Chernobyl tragedy. Everyone realized that talk, along with the value of everything else, was cheap in the USSR and by 1990, the entire society had lost its inertia and momentum: worn- out/outdated infrastructure, degradation of easily-accessible raw materials, a disgruntled, low-paid work force, but mainly, no REAL money or viable plan for the future beyond 5 years at the most. The USSR collapsed.