Everyone knows about Iraq and the subject of WMD’s. But very few really know about where they might have come from originally,and what might have happened to them. Russians have a very clear view on these subjects.This site will help people to understand Russia better. It is intended for the general reading public andisn’t concerned with intellectual depth and detail. Everything will be presented simply and will reflect ageneral pursuit of moderate truth without being absolutist. This is important since it is a big country with somuch history---there is so much vital information related to so many important subjects, all of which haveconnectivity and relevance---understanding at least SOMETHING about most or all of these ideas is vitalbecause they all have had an influence on what Russia is and how its people are today. Always keep inmind that human strength and guile, and not formal laws, are paramount. Also, whenever consideringanything at this site, always realize that the national symbol of Russia is NOT the bear. It is really the wolf.But before we begin, it must be understood that generally, Russians do not like being analyzed bynon-Russians. Also, Russians do not want to be understood by foreigners. Any foreign attempts to analyse, interpret, or worst of all, judge, will result in their taking immediate actions to anger, to confuse, or todisorient/distract foreign attention from any particular desired focus.Most Russians will say that only Russians themselves understand Russia and its people, and thatforeigners are naïve. Interestingly, they consider themselves to be experts on the outside world. Always keepthis sort of contrast-mindset in mind. It’s easy to suggest that such attitudes would tend to reflect a desire tohide and conceal. Indeed, this is the case, yet what are being hidden are always simple truths, simple realities. One such is that Russians are very good people who want their relatively simple lives to appear complex. The reasons for these things will be developed in different sections of this site. Out of respect for theseviews, consider this site material to be by and for mentalities from agriculturally/animal husbandry-evolvedcultures. The main goal of this site is to improve composite perceptions of Russia, particularly when its leadersspeak to the international media, and to encourage more people to watch Russia more often, armed with these heightened perceptions.
yesterday & todayThere is more to Russia than meets the eye. Let’s take a closer look at what isis now, Russia.
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Always remember that it’s a big place with a relatively short recordedhistory and great latent complexity. These things always connect andhave effects on each other. Russians believe that their fate will lead thatof the world; its leaders also always want to be taken seriously in spite oftheir country’s many self-perceived deficiencies and problems. As well,many Russians believe that the outside world has always deliberatelysought to keep them weakened---this so they won’t rule the world. This,along with the USSR’s Berlin Wall and Russia’s strong objections to alocalized Iranian missile defense system, are the most excellent examplesof its hunter/hunted, divide-and-conquer perspective, which is part of theirevolved, geographically-based, deeply-rooted hunter-gatherer (asopposed to an agriculturally evolved, temperate) outlook. Russians arethe world's only evolved forest-based hunter-gatherers (H-G's), and by farthe most combatant of ALL of the world's different types of H-G's. Unlikeother types of evolved H-G's, Russians have only begun to figure outanimal husbandry VERY recently from a historical standpoint, havingalways relied on their rich forests and closely-adjacent theretosteppe/taiga for sustenance. As with farming, Russians still do animalhusbandry poorly, even today. For purposes of context in this narrative,the other significant, relatively evolved H-G types are: 1) Slope-dwellerssuch as Chechens and Kurdish, who don't seek to colonize out of theirnative regions. 2) Steppe/desert-dwellers who are too many to list; theyare all relatively pacifistic, with the same goals as slope-dwellers, exceptfor Iran. Iran, with Russia's provocation and assistance, seeks to shoot itsway in every which direction all over the steppe/desert and beyond,without any home-generated economic foundation, as its primary, statedgoal. NOTE: North Korea must be treated separately, and thus it appears in the Foreign Policy section. Ultimately, Russia is placed between and influenced by eastern andwestern, Communism and Democracy, 1st and 3rd worlds, past andpresent, intellectual and crude, religion and atheism, andslavophile/indigenous, while its leaders must, in the eyes of theirconscribed/bribed support base, stand independent of and impartial toforeign influence.
There are sections related to geography and history, the latterdivided into general (7 phases), as well as religious, cultural,economic/monetary, and business history. As well there arenumerous sections describing Russia today over a wide swathof subjects---hopefully, there will be things for everyone,including a short treatment of the Russian language itself. These sections will deal with their respective histories included,as for with most subjects, the amount of history involved coversa short time period. Important points/ideas will be marked with(*KEY*). Finally, as a form of conclusion, some general assetsand liabilities, short and long term, will be identified, along withsome predictions for the future, especially as everything nowdepends on one man, Vladimir Putin, instead of on the strengthof the population seen as potential. Hopefully, this site willencourage digging deeper into particular areas referenced andstaying focused more on Russia in relation to current and pastevents.